The Clarinet Enthusiast’s Quality Improvement Guide
This is Part 2 of a three-part series of self-study books for the Clarinet Enthusiast — someone who plays clarinet for pleasure, not because he is part of a formal music training program. Often an adult who is either returning to clarinet after a long layoff or learning it later in life, and often someone without a private teacher. Part 2 focuses on Technique, and includes over 150 pages of fundamental scale, arpeggio, and mechanism exercises for all levels of clarinetist. Part 1 will cover Tone exercises, and Part 3 will focus on developing efficient practice strategies based on modern research in cognitive science.

The Chalumeau Register
This clarinet method book provides exercises for developing fundamentals such as breathing, embouchure, tone, and technical facility. Covers long tones, major/minor scales, major/minor arpeggios, chromatics, and articulation in all keys. All exercises are in the chalumeau register. Thus the book can be used by students at various levels: young players wishing to develop technique, pre-college players preparing for a college music program, adult players returning to clarinet after a long layoff, or “doublers” already proficient in another instrument. Difficulty: beginner to intermediate.